2012年5月25日 星期五

Spice Grinder(grinding mill)

Spice Grinder(grinding mill)
There are lots of ways to grind up your spices. We have a big pestle and mortar, and a spice grinder(grinding mill) for the big stuff, neither is which is really practical to post out. However, sometimes you need something a little bit smaller, simpler and immediate. These ceramic mechanism grinders are made to screw on top of your old Schwartz jars (we've all got them) meaning you can have mixes of salts, peppercorns, garam masala, 5 spice mix etc etc and grind them up fresh when you need them. The grinder comes with a lifetime guarentee, which has got to be rare for something that only costs a tenner.
Trust us. Once you've bought one of these, you'll be back to buy another for your best friends birthday.

Where's My Spice Grinder?(grinding mill)

DAVE LIEBERMAN, a senior at Yale, was standing in his home kitchen before two cameras, his nose powdered, eggs and a whisk nearby on the makeshift set.
''Cellphone check,'' said Amelia Shillingford, the producer, a political science major.
There was some pocket patting, then the room fell quiet. The cameras began rolling, and Mr. Lieberman demonstrated how to prepare chocolate mousse.
Mr. Lieberman and his crew of a half-dozen friends were taping the fifth episode of ''Campus Cuisine.'' The show has covered themes like grilling, spicing up dining hall food, and even dating, in this most recent episode, ''Cooking for the Hook-Up.'' It is broadcast on New Haven's public access channel, and has made Mr. Lieberman something of a celebrity among the town's bank tellers and grocery store clerks.
But the show is really aimed at the growing number of his peers, at Yale and at colleges and universities around the country, who would rather gather around a table for a gourmet meal than find themselves at another kegger.
''What really has happened over the past 10 years is a revolution,'' said Tom Saine, the vice president of business development for Aramark, a food service company under contract with more than 400 colleges. ''On some college campuses today, the students are far more cosmopolitan in their palate and taste interest than the faculty or staff.''
Whether it is a ''foodie'' chat room at Wellesley, which is visited by hundreds of students; a personal food column with recipes in the University of Chicago's newspaper; or an ''Iron Chef''-inspired competition at Bloomsburg University in central Pennsylvania that has drawn an audience of 500 students, today's undergraduates are taking a serious interest in all things food-related. They give dinner parties and have wine tastings. When they eat in the cafeteria, they want sushi and pho, the Vietnamese noodle soup. And at an increasing number of schools, they want the vegetables in that pho not simply to be seasonal but organic.
In the last decade, food companies like Aramark and independent food service companies like the one at the University of Washington in Seattle have had to retool what they serve and redesign their kitchens to keep up with the increasingly refined palates of students -- present and future. For many colleges, having a great cafeteria has become as important as having high-speed Internet access in the dorms. College chefs have cut down on the hamburgers and casseroles of yore and replaced them with healthful wraps, free-trade coffees and stir-fries prepared in an open kitchen. Soon, a spokesman for Aramark said, it will be adding full-fledged grocery stores to campuses for students who want to cook for themselves. Students at Reed College and Wellesley, among others, have organized cooperatives centered around cooking meals. This year, Berkeley College at Yale began offering an organic option at all meals. The college is also working with local farmers to buy produce.
Heather Elliott, a senior at Wellesley, said that among her peers, dining out is something more. ''That's our activity,'' she said.
In October, a student there picked up a thread from a general Internet forum and created a separate one, called ''Foodie.'' In the first month, there were 668 contributions. Han Su Kim, a computer support specialist at the college, said that the general forum ''was always about restaurant reviews, people wanting to go out to certain places in Boston. Out of this was this thread talking about food in general, and it kept growing and growing.''
''The advent of the Food Network and chefs becoming TV stars and restaurants becoming popular and the American palate in general becoming more sophisticated is all a part of it,'' Mr. Kim added.
Last year, when sushi was introduced in the dining halls at the University of Alabama, it became a runaway success.
''Ten years ago, students at Alabama would have called sushi bait,'' said Mr. Saine of Aramark.(grinding mill)
The Food Network has also started to address the college audience. The network recently released a show called ''Date Plate,'' which involves participants who compete for a prospective date by cooking a meal. It bears a striking resemblance to the episode that Mr. Lieberman and his film crew were taping recently, in which Mr. Lieberman taught a fellow student how to cook a meal, presumably to win over his blind date.
Nielsen Media Research does not track viewership in dormitories, so it is impossible to know which shows college students are watching. But Judy Girard, Food Network's president, said, ''We do know that they are watching.''
''The first time we became aware of them as a force was with 'Iron Chef,' '' Ms. Girard added. ''We found that they were playing 'Iron Chef' games on campus, and doing 'Iron Chef' competitions on the Web site.''
Students are writing about food and forming clubs, too. ''The Tastemasters of Virginia,'' a dining club at the University of Virginia, was organized by Philip Racusin, a senior who is studying marketing. Some members are in charge of making reservations, and others are specialists in realms like seafood or desserts. When the group dines out, each member takes notes on his meal, and one person writes a review.
''I thought we could take the love of food and turn it into a cohesive club and share our love of food,'' Mr. Racusin said. ''And when you're in a forum like that, you get all sorts of new ideas, like what to cook and places to go.''
Similarly, Thomas Mucha, a senior at Harvard, has put together a wine club, which meets early on Friday evenings in the dining hall at Winthrop House. ''It's not especially ritualized,'' Mr. Mucha said. Wines cost $8 to id="mce_marker"5. The group talks about its color, they swirl it around and stick their noses in the glass.
''Since none of us are experts,'' Mr. Mucha said, ''it's really just to learn, O.K., this is such and such a wine. What are its characteristics? Is it spicy? Is it fruity? Is it a good wine?'' They have tasted pinot biancos from Alto Adige and rossos di Montalcino from Tuscany.
''We have a philosophy that this is something worth learning,'' Mr. Mucha said. (grinding mill)
There are countless food-oriented groups on campuses that are not so formally organized. Sadie Stein, a senior at the University of Chicago who has written a personal and instructive column in Chicago Weekly News, one of the university's newspapers, has also taught cooking classes to her friends, showing them how to roast a chicken, bake a cake and make salad dressing.
''I've always been a big cooking geek,'' said Ms. Stein, who began as a teenager, reading Laurie Colwin's ''Home Cooking.'' For what Ms. Stein calls a ''simple'' dinner party recently, she butterflied a chicken and roasted it with potatoes, onions, rosemary and garlic and had pannacotta for dessert.
''I suppose it's never been obligatory for this generation to cook,'' Ms. Stein said. ''Yet we're in a society that's very aware of good food and there's more and more availability of quality food.''
This has put tremendous pressure on dining hall food service companies to adapt. ''We see things hitting the college campus before they reach the rest of the consumers we serve,'' said Maisie Ganzler, the spokeswoman for Bon Appétit Management Company, an on-site restaurant concern that serves 75 schools. ''When we look at what trends we want in our corporate food service in the future we actually look at what's happening on college campuses.''
Students today want to see the food from raw material to finished product so food service companies have replaced steam tables and kitchens behind swinging doors with open kitchens, with stations where students can watch their food being cooked and where they can have input on how much coconut sauce is added to their curry.
Campuses like Wesleyan University in Connecticut, Portland State University, Yale and Bates College are considered early adapters, where foods and styles of service can be tested. Right now, Berkeley College at Yale, is trying out a program dedicated to using foods that are local, seasonal and organic. It was requested by a student group and has had support from all levels of the administration, including from Yale's president, Richard C. Levin. At Oberlin College, students have requested that only organic milk be served. The salad bar at Evergreen State College in Washington is now 95 percent organic.
''The next wave,'' Mr. Saine added, ''is grocery stores on college campuses.'' At the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Aramark has added a grocery with organic food, fresh produce and soy milk. More stores are planned for other schools.
There is also a great demand for instruction. At campuses like Cornell, Union College and Wellesley, cooking classes offered by faculty members have been consistently sold out.
Mr. Lieberman's show, while primarily entertaining, is highly instructive, with themes geared for the college student. One week, he demonstrated how to light a grill and cook chicken kebabs marinated in garlic, ginger and hoisin sauce. In another, he showed viewers how to make smoothies in the dining hall, cobbling together ingredients from the breakfast bar, like apples, milk, yogurt, honey and raspberry jam.
Word balloons, mimicking VH1's pop-up videos, add touches of irreverence. When Mr. Lieberman uses one of his favorite words, ''stuff,'' a pop-up states, '''Flat stuff' is a technical cooking term.''
Unlike graduates from former generations, Mr. Lieberman, 23, says he is considering a career in food television. Recently, an executive from the Food Network, who had heard about his show, asked to see the tapes, as has Radical Media, a production company in New York.
For now, his show still has an appealing homemade quality. At the taping of ''Cooking for the Hook-Up,'' for instance, Mr. Lieberman yelped when he burned his hand on a baking sheet and heavily improvised on the chocolate mousse, asking people on the set for advice. But he smiled charmingly, as he taught Henry Tibensky, a fellow student, how to prepare the meal.
Mr. Lieberman is a highly skilled cook and has an insouciant yet earnest manner. And his crew, a collection of friends who are interested in film, takes the filming and editing quite seriously.
One could forget they are college students. For a minute, at least. When the director called ''Cut!'' for the final time, Boston's ''More Than a Feeling'' was flipped on the stereo and without pause, the crew was dancing and singing together, passing a bottle of Yellow Tail Chardonnay.

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Spice Grinder(grinding mill)